(partial updated) - 11.2019

Amarthalos is a ambiental mistic transcendental black metal solo project from Romania that formed in 1997.
The man behind Amarthalos is Amarthalos Almagesta Phosphoros Luciferus.
From his 1997 debut, cenusa si jar (ashes and fire), until his final black metal album, 2000’s innegurate slote (dark waters), Amarthalos went from playing raw, primitive black metal to playing ambient, dark , mistic and transcendental exclusively synthesizer-based music.
2006’s Lumina ce se stinge (Light is extinguished), 2008’s Light…, are purely dark ambient .
However, they do not represent a complete departure from Amarthalos previous works, as his albums always contained keyboard elements.

The winter mourning (2018)
Through the midnight mist (2018)
A perfect time for the fall (2018)
Mohorat (2018)
Overwhelmed (2018)
Devoured (2018)
Let me out (2018)
Behind the dark II (2018)
Behind the dark (2018)
Within a cold soul (2018)
Blackout (2018)
In silence forever (2018)
A touch of cold... (2018)
Nowhere (2018)
Empty soul (2018)
Away (2018)
Empty (2018)
Melancholia (2018)
Soul in a black hole (2018)
Nightmares not yet dreamed (2017)
Inner passage (2017)
Inside (2017)
De suflet (2017) pe celalalt taram (2017)
Feel The taste of rain / feel The breath of The sea* (2017)
Prisoniers of the sun (2017)
Pamant imbratisat de rasuflarea cerului infrigurat (2017)
Rasfrangere de cer (2016)
Through a rain of light, the sun will return divine to the end... (2016)
Pasi in taramul umbrelor (2016)
Fara de umbra pe pamant (2016)
Insolit (2016)
Umbra amurgului (2016)
Scaldat prin roua din taramuri neumblate (2016)
Mireasma plina de amaraciune (2016)
...visions through a dark labyrinth (visions 5) (2016)
Hotarul dintre ape (2015)
Intuneric din adancul sufletului (2015)
...visions archive cycle: visions 12 (2015)
...visions archive cycle: visions 11 (2015)
...visions archive cycle: visions 10 (2015)
...visions archive cycle: visions 9 (2015)
...visions archive cycle: visions 8 (folow the alpha draconis) (2015)
...visions archive cycle: visions 7 (2014)
...visions archive cycle: visions 6 (2014)
...visions archive cycle: visions 5* (2014)
...visions archive cycle: visions 4 (2014)
...visions archive cycle: visions 3 (2014)
...visions archive cycle: visions 2 (2014)
...visions archive cycle: visions 1(2014)
Murmur (the other side) (2014-2015)
Murmur (2014)
Cantecul zorilor (2014)
In tacere (2013)
Aeudaimonia (2013)
Ultimul zbor: visions 7 (2013)
Ultimul zbor: visions 6 (2013)
Ultimul zbor: visions 5 (2013)
Ultimul zbor: visions 4 (2012)
Ultimul zbor: visions 3 (2012)
Ultimul zbor: visions 2 (2012)
calea a tot ce e uitat (2010-2012)
Dincolo de viata (2007-2012)
In imbratisarea lunii (2011)
Dincolo de viata (2007-2011) (Promo - ambiental visions)
Ultimul zbor (2011)
Synthesis (2011)
Poarta cerului (2011)
In seninatatea stelelor (2011)
Light… (2008)
MOINA (2008)
…intoarcerea lupului (2008)
Lumina ce se stinge (2006-2008)
My end is my beginning (2005)
Cronica Alpheratz: Megale Syntaxis Amphitryon (2004)
Caderea intunericului etern peste sinistrul ocean al singuratatii (2004)
Cronica Almagesta: dreams of Almagesta (2004)
Cautare fara sfarsit (2003)
Cronica Almagesta: arabesque mosaic (2003)
…unde cerurile se despart (2002)
Aeudaimonia (metamorphe) (2002)
Din blestemat scrum intrupat (2001)
Dincolo de miazanoapte (moina) (2001)
Silhuie Sihla (2000-2001)
Poarta Zmeilor (2000)
Innegurate slote (2000)
La portile intunericului (2000)
Lumina ce se frange (1999-2000)
Volburi de neguri (2000)
Straveche iarna pagana (2000)
Slote far' de margini (2000)
Grota cercilor (2000)
Adanc inradacinat in nepatrunsul intuneric (2000)
… din sihla de dincolo de neguri (2000)
Tron intunecat (2000)
Ceea ce nu ne da lumina (2000)
Moarte (2000)
Iernatic si aspru (1999)
…in orizontul intunericului hivernal (1998)
Dincolo de negura fara de sfarsit (1998)
The Forest (1998)
Urme de cenusa (1997)
Dark Domain (1997)
In tacere (1997)
Pagan winter (1997)
Cenusa si jar (1997)
Vacuind in intuneric (1997)
Obscura symphonia (1997)
Opus no.1 / Pagan vant al iernii (1997)

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